I wonder if you have played in the snow yet? What do you think of it? Does the coldness scare you or do you like to touch it, experience it? Do the puppies play with you and run all around? I wish I could be there with you, to play, learn, enjoy.
Are you walking yet? I think you probably are. The last time I saw you you were standing up so tall at the furniture and even taking a few steps while holding on. I bet you're really on the move now.
I wonder what your little voice sounds like. You probably know a few words by now. I wish you knew my name. I'm not sure you ever will. I will always know your name though, dear one. I was there the day you were born, the first family member to arrive at the hospital, so eager to meet you. Waiting and waiting, pacing, wondering. I tried to capture so many moments from behind the camera lense. I wanted to record all of it, from the day you took your first breath, until forever. I'm not allowed to do that now, after just 10 short months in your life. My goodness little boy, you taught me so much and helped me experience so many things for the first time. Your absence is profoundly painful. I think of you everyday. Know that you are loved, even if you don't know my name.
xxoo Auntie Carli
Carli what has happened with your nephew? Why are you not seeing him, it breaks my heart and I don't know the story....hang in there. Jess